Who We Are
About Us
PendoAmani Youth Organization is a registered NGO in Kenya with a focus on youth development operating in Juja. We work for youth and with youth to cultivate passion into skills, build and raise the platforms necessary for today’s young leaders to flourish; we do this through inspiring youth to actively take part in their own development and through skills development such as attending free Computer and Media skills training, Music, Dance and Sports. Our aim is to provide holistic programs by creating a learning platform for young people to become leaders with knowledge, skills and tools to transform their own communities.
PendoAmani Youth Organization is a registered NGO in Kenya with a focus on youth development operating in Juja. We work for youth and with youth to cultivate passion into skills, build and raise the platforms necessary for today’s young leaders to flourish; we do this through inspiring youth to actively take part in their own development and through skills development such as attending free Computer and Media skills training, Music, Dance and Sports. Our aim is to provide holistic programs by creating a learning platform for young people to become leaders with knowledge, skills and tools to transform their own communities.
Our approach and programs are realized through voluntary leadership development and intercultural exchange programs that include building youth leadership skills, organizing workshops, trainings, exchange and exposure visit to learn and expose them to new and diverse experiences, peoples and ideas. We also operate a learning center where children and youth access academic materials and books.
Through the different programs, PendoAmani Youth Organization seeks to address issues impacting the community including substance misuse, youth crime and anti-social behavior, unemployment, lack of training and employment opportunities. It also places strong emphasis on the health and social welfare of the community.
Our vision is to see a society where young people are well informed, positively engaged and with dignity take lead of their own development.
Mission is to provide learning space and empowerment programs that enable youth to become key actors of change to transform their own situation and that of their community.
- Giving youth a voice – We recognize that the perspectives and experiences of youth, must be at the center of finding and implementing solutions. Empowered youth understand their right and obligation to act in the benefit of their community.
- Partnership – We work in solidarity with youth, community and partners. Our relationships are built upon respect and collaboration.
- Integrity – We strive to be stewards of our mission and vision to our stakeholders, public and our constituents; and endeavor to demonstrate congruence between our actions and words.
- Learning – We aim to create a culture of inquiry where ideas, information, and discoveries are exchanged. We believe that with right tools, skills and proper guidance, young people will make a difference.